Our interview skills workshop/intensive course come complete with numerous activities to ensure you Practice to the fullest! This course is a great confidence Builder and much fun for all participants. Engage in paired and group activities that will develop your vocabulary and speaking fluency. Role play key situations and practice the answers to questions you will be asked for sure! Remove nervousness, introduce positivity and confidence to your personality to seal the deal with a great interview!

Smooth conversation with a client or with a “foreign friend” in the English language is just as important as an actual business conversation. It is through this “casual” engagement that we learn more about the person we are speaking with. We learn more about their “personality” and who they are. We are then able to form our own opinion about that person and build better relationships.

Understand the general presentational structure/format and learn how to adapt this to suit your industry and your specific focus. Learn the key language needed and the phrases and expressions that will move your presentation along and keep the audience attentive! We guide you with presentation creation and make you practice your masterpiece with us to make sure things are great!

Email correspondence is ubiquitous in any modern day profession. Keeping your communication with clients clear, concise and effective in writing is a vital task for business development and maintaining strong business relationships. This course will equip you with language, templates and the correct structure for various written communication forms with clients.