Our presentational skills course is geared around clients who are engaged in regulars “sales pitches” or updating teams and management on various developments.
With Arctica Communication & Training, you will understand the tips and strategies on how to present with great impact and how to “never be nervous” again. Learn and practice with trainers who have given numerous presentations in their professional lives, including for project management, product rollouts, Financial updates and forecasting! Follow and emulate what we show you and you will never be afraid of presenting your work! You will banish your nerves and be a wonderful public speaker in no time!
- This course/workshop will cover the following areas but will focus on practice and practical application to develop you and hone your skills efficiently and confidently.
- Develop and refine your presentation’s introduction and produce a logical presentation format.
- Make you understand the importance of body language and provide you with tried and tested gestures, transitions and methodology
- Develop all the functional language you are utilising and ensuring correct pronunciation and grammar
- Developing visual aids and the “best practice” techniques to apply for a successful presentation
- Class Activities That Are Enjoyable, Rewarding And Will Develop The Skills That Will Enhance Your Career Goals And Aspirations.
- A Thoroughly Enjoyable & Rewarding Course That Our Clients Truly Love!

- Course Duration: This is a 4-5 Week Or A 2 -Day Intensive Course. (Recommended 18 Hours)
- Coursebook: Tailored Course Book Focusing On The Client’s Soft Skill Needs With Relevant Activities & Situational Practice.
- Course Trainer: Native And Business Professionals, Predominantly From The UK, US And Australia.
- CELTA Certified Trainer (Many educational institutions globally acknowledge the Cambridge CELTA as one of the most respected Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) qualifications.
- Participants/Class Size: 1:1 (Private) Or 10-12 students (recommended Class Size/Course Participants).
- Participants/Class Size: Group Settings For Those In Customer/Client Facing Roles And Those Who Need To Develop Their Presentation Skills For Their Career.
- Classes Per Week: 1 Class Per Week (Recommended to ensure homework is completed and time for development & practice).
- Extensive In Class Practice And Activities. Participants Will Be engaged in numerous presentation in class and through homework assignments.
- Evaluation: Yes. Rolling Practice & Development via in class activities and Assignments
- Other Features: Yes. Contact Us For More Information.
- Effective And Developmental Use Of Functional Language With Immediate Application
- Mastering The Effective Use Of Gestures And Body Language To Deliver A Powerful Presentation
- learn how to create a presentation from start to finish and create an impactful structure for both you and the audience.
- Tips & Techniques To Captivate & Maintain The Audience’s Attention And Successfully Engage With Them
- Corrected Pronunciation Of Problematic Sounds & Key/Situational/Industry Related Vocabulary
- Improved Confidence And Ability To Communicate Clearly And Effectively To An Audience
- Practice Makes Perfect And You Will End The Course With More Confidence And Enthusiastic About Future Presentations
- End The Course With Key Phrases That Will Make You Stand Out And Allow You To Deliver An Impactful Presentation To Your Audience.
- End Of course Presentation and assessment