Interview Skills WORKSHOP/course

Interview skills are an important part of your career and are essential to finding the perfect position where you can excel. Our interview skills workshop teaches you how to

  • Use correct body language to make a great first impression and to show confidence and positivity during your interview
  • Use language that is impactful and shows your abilities and strength to the employer
  • Answer questions relevant to your life and profession successfully and with Functional language and vocabulary that shows you are the Right candidate for the job.
  • Course Duration: This is a 4 Week Or 2 Day Intensive Course
  • Coursebook: Tailored Course Book Focusing On The Client’s Industry And Requirements With Our Personally Crafted Proprietary Material.
  • Course Trainer: Native And Business Professionals, Predominantly From The UK, US And Australia And Are CELTA Certified.
  • Free In Depth CV/Resume Review, Advice And Modifications. Learn And Apply The Key Information For An Effective CV/Resume
  • Participants/Class Size: 1:1 Or 4/6/8/10 (Recommended).
  • Developing Positive Body Language And How To Use Your Voice Effectively And Strongly At Interviews.
  • Developing Key Vocabulary With A Focus On Your Industry Language And Functional Language That Will Make Your Communication More Effective And Genuine.
  • Evaluation: Yes. Final Evaluation
  • Other Features: Yes. Contact Us For More Information.
  • Effective And Developmental Use Of Functional Language With Immediate Application In Your Industry At Work And For Interviews
  • Corrected Pronunciation Of Problematic Sounds & Key/Common Vocabulary To Make Your Interview More Effective
  • Increased Spoken Fluency In Answering Key Questions That You Will Be Asked
  • Improved Confidence And Ability To Communicate Clearly
  • Key Business Related Vocabulary Related To Your Specific Industry To Be Applied Immediately.

Our interview skills workshop/intensive course comes complete with numerous activities to ensure you Practice to the fullest! This course is a great confidence Builder and much fun for all participants. Engage in individual and group activities that will develop your vocabulary and speaking fluency. Role play key situations and practice the answers to questions you will be asked for sure! Remove nervousness, introduce positivity and confidence to your personality to seal the deal with a great interview!